Specifically designed for small components or components with a complex structure such as blind holes.
Machines work under vacuum for fast washing cycles and continuous vacuum distillation with automatic final stripping of residues. Union produces an extensive range of machines capable of solving any surface cleaning problem.
All machines are designed to use either chlorinated solvents or alternatives such as hydrocarbons or modified alcohols simply by selecting the most suitable solvent type on the PLC.
This type of ‘hybrid’ approach leaves the customer with great flexibility of choice at any time throughout the life of the machine, enhancing the investment made.
Each model can be customized to allow the use of a wide range of baskets (with fixed or adjustable lids or dividers to provide multiple compartments) and fixtures depending on the components to be treated.
Machines can be readily interfaced, at any time, with automatic basket loading and unloading systems designed according to the customer’s specific production throughput requirements.